Friday, November 9, 2012

Public Transport Pet Peeves

Because I am too lazy to do my work, I have decided to blog. Today, I am going to write about my public transport pet peeves. Speaking of pet peeves, I once read an interview with a supposedly "hot model/DJ" of Singapore and when asked to list her pet peeves, she wrote  "I love pets but I hate it most when they 1) defecates anywhere, 2) when they destroy my things, and 3) when they drool all over ..." #facepalm

LOL. I shall leave it to you to figure out who it is and to dish out your judgements on her. 

So, back to my topic - Public Transport Pet Peeves.

I take public transport almost everyday. My school is a freaking 1.5 hours journey by public transport and so I have LOTS of experience with public transport. At times, there are some things that really annoy me and I am constantly learning to live with them.

#1: People who blast their music

Seriously, what is wrong with these people? Are they deaf? There was once I was seated at one end of my row of seats and I could hear the music of the guy sitting at the other end of my row. Like for goodness sake, you probably need hearing aid and not earphones! What's worse is when they play horrible music (in my opinion) like house which gives me a headache early in the morning. Also in this category are people who don't use earphones AT ALL. While I think it's okay if you just want to watch a short youtube video of perhaps 5 minutes, watching korean dramas on the train without earphones is simply too much!!! 

#2: Fat people

Fat people take up A LOT of space. This is especially annoying during peak hours when you're trying to get on the train and you see this fat person taking up the space of 3 people. Call me mean but you can't deny the fact that they do take up more space than the average individuals. What's worse is when they are seated because they will definitely seep into your seat. I wonder why fat people have the guts to sit down when they are obviously squashing the person next to them. Maybe you think I'm really mean, but I was fat once. And when I was fat, I was really self conscious and will try not to do things that will attract attention to myself or cause other people discomfort as a result of me being fat.    

#3: Smelly people

Even worse than fat people are smelly people. You can't even ignore them if you wanted to (when the train is packed). All you can do is pray and hope they get off ASAP. Seriously, if durians are not allowed on public transport because of the smell, then smelly people shouldnt be allowed too. Yes, yes, it's not practical/hard to draw the line/hard to implement. So I guess all we can do is promote personal hygiene?

#4: Old people who take the Reserved Seating for granted. 

Yes, you are old. Yes, this is a reserved seat. Yes, I am young. BUT WILL IT KILL YOU TO SAY THANK YOU?! Just because I am young does not mean I do not need the seat less than you. I may have not slept for 3 nights cos I was rushing deadlines, or maybe I'm having the world's worst cramps ever. IF I give up my seat to you out of moral obligation or pure goodwill of mine, shouldn't you at least practise common courtesy and just say "thank you"? Furthermore, some elderly just assume that we will see them when they board the train. Well let me apologise for being too engrossed in my phone and not being on the look out for people who need the seat more than me. Zzz. But of course, there are some nice old people who are super grateful and these are the ones whom should not be shortchanged just because others are rude.

#5: People who talk DAMN LOUDLY on public transport.

This applies to other situations as well - in the restaurants, in school,... Some people just talk so loudly you'd think they were performing for a play without microphones. I'm just not interested in what you have to say? You can complain about your daughter being rude to you or having a bad day at work or quarrel with your girlfriend, just don't do it in a manner that draws attention to you, ok?! Can't decide if I hate people who talk loudly more or people who blast their music...I guess loud music is not as bad as people who talk loudly cos maybe these uncouth people who speak loudly also have bad breath? Ok fine that was just me being judgemental.

Yes, so these are my public transport pet peeves that I can think off my head now but I'm sure there's more. But who can I blame but myself for choosing to take public transport right? The price to pay for being poor. Sigh. Of course when I'm rich I'll still complain about other stuff - lousy drivers on the roads, bad traffic, etc...   

Anyway, it's FRIDAY! And now that I've gotten this off my chest, I feel so much better and ready to enjoy the weekend!!! :D